Friday, July 8, 2011

Dale Day 4 chair adventure

Today we got to play with the yummy Senneliers - I keep these protected as you don't seem to be able to buy these big sets any more - we sell the 12 iridescent sets but somehow these big boxes have disappeared. They are an oil pastel but soft and rather different from Shiva/Markal paintstiks. Work on paper beautifully (and fabric).
Spent most of my 5 minutes working on the heart shape on the back on my chair - it doesn't have all these little special parts like Shelagh's seems to - and because I haven't used my Senneliers for a while, added a few extensions. Then I remembered....

We were supposed to do a wash with the Koh-i-noors so had to do a very rush job here.

My very well used Koh-i-noors - these are strong pigment and you can use them to bleach back - great for travelling - I have a new set to take on holidays so no one can see how bad these are but I have let students use them in classes...

I have just had a look at Shelagh's and I see we are allowed to stitch on Sunday - thank goodness.

Ann - and anyone else following our little challenge - do join in - that's what it is all about - 5 minutes is pathetically short but it gives no time to be worrying because it is gone before you know. The chair theme is for a month and then who knows what will be next.

1 comment:

  1. I love following you two. Can't wait for the next post.
